To place an order, simply browse our catalog of tech gadgets and accessories, add your desired items to the cart, and proceed to checkout. You can complete your purchase without creating an account by providing your contact information, billing address, and shipping address.
No, you don’t need an account to make a purchase. You can complete your order as a guest by providing the necessary contact, shipping, and billing details during checkout.
We accept all major payment methods, including credit/debit cards, crypto currencies, and other secure payment gateways through Coinbase. All transactions are encrypted for your safety.
Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive an email with a tracking number and a link to track your shipment. You can use this information to monitor your package’s progress.
We accept returns within 7 days of delivery for unused and unopened items in their original packaging. Contact our support team to initiate a return. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method.
If your order arrives damaged or defective, please contact our support team immediately with photos of the damaged item and packaging. We will provide a replacement or refund as appropriate.
Shipping times vary based on your location. For locations in the US, orders are delivered within 24hrs - 3 business days of being shipped. On average for international locations, orders are delivered within 5-14 business days of being shipped.
If your order has not yet been shipped, contact our support team as soon as possible to update the shipping address. Once the order is shipped, we cannot make changes.
We use advanced encryption and secure payment gateways to ensure your personal and payment information is safe. We do not store payment details, and your data is handled in compliance with our Privacy Policy.
You can reach our support team through email:, We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.